Thursday, October 05, 2006

What The F*&#?

(Warning: Explicit language follows. Ignorant people really incite me)

So I finally rouse myself from my house and am heading to the barbershop. The barbershop voyage does take me through public housing (projects, y'all). I just happen to look up and what do I see poling out of someone's window. A DirecTV satellite.

Double take. Yep that's a satellite peeking through the iron bars of the projects.

What the fuck?!?!?!? Seriously.
I was visibly shaking my head.

Did the thought ever occur to whoever the owner is that possibly the money spent on the satellite and the ensuing monthly bill might be better appropriated? Like food or clothes or moving the hell out of the bloody ghetto?

When will these people realize that their station in life is not completely due to institutionalized obstacles? Yes they exist but man you got to put in some work too. Auuuuuuuuuughhhh.

I just want to go in there and smack the shit out of them sometimes. Or at least the satellite owner.

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