Friday, October 20, 2006

Flat Tires & Intuition

I was going to turn in early. I really was.

But damn that text messaging. Damn that Bassline.

"Do you have running shoes on?"
"Presumably I could put them on"
"Cool. I'll be outside in 2"

Even though Bassline and I have been friends for a short period, we are good friends because we speak the same language. Finally once we were on the interstate he told me what we were doing, which was basically escorting his girl/friend back to her parents' house to make sure she got in safe. Rather sweet I guess.

Along the way we busted a tire, and we had to drive her car all the way there after we found some garage in another small town and left his whip there. But it was an unexpected blessing. We chatted. We laughed. I was my usual charming self, inspired by a completely new audience. And then we watched CNN and ate pizza. And I thought me and Bassline are gonna be friends for a really long time. Our ride back only confirmed this sentiment. Between me finishing thoughts he had not yet imagined to him perfectly pointing out my increasing devotion to a certain someone, I felt a bond that I know only God could craft and deliver. Especially considering how many times our paths have crossed, or could have, only to make it happen at this exact time.

Let's just say that on the day of my betrothal, Bassline will be right behind me, order to be determined.

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