Thursday, October 05, 2006

Couple Things

Superstitions: Yeah the Mets won and very convincingly if I might say so myself.

But as my rebirth into insane fan continues, I've noticed some superstitions. I had to put the Mets visor back on like I did last night. I took a sip from my drink during the break between half innings. I kept blowing warm air into my right hand. And when my dad was standing over me, smacking his gums and picking at his teeth, I silently wished for him to evaporate just so I could have the peace and quiet I existed in before his community meeting ended.

Mets won regardless so I guess it's all good.

Commercials: It's been a while since I've watched regular television (and I don't think I've missed much) but there were some clever commercials tonight. Holiday Inn with like the silly business guys commenting on a presenters no flinch on a coffee spill and calling him a prize fighter. The extended Burger King commercial where they go through French words. The Cingular commercial where he calls his girl and the call drops right when he asks if he's the only dude. And I think that's it. If I were more proactive I might have found the YouTube links. You find them. I mean it's not like you're doing anything else if you're reading this blog.

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