Tuesday, October 10, 2006


If you read the previous post, you would think that I would be asleep right now. After such a long day, what better respite to take then sleep. I should be asleep right now that much is true. I only slept for like 3.5 hours before my double yesterday and I really only did like 6 or 7 before my outing today. So yes I should be asleep. Instead, I speak online and read nonsense. What is up with my priorities?

On Sabbath, in a conversation with Drizzle, she made the comment that she never understood why I gave myself so many decisions. She said I should just pick one and let things fall where they may. And it's true I've always had problems making decisions. And prioritizing. Helping Coffee Bean with her project Sunday night reminded me of this. Coffee Bean's major is nursing and still I was understanding the work from my time working in a hospital and also just cause I was pre-med. And good at it. Then I made some of her tables and it reminded me of the graphic design skill. Then there's writing and I'm not too bad at that either sometimes. At least Luna thinks it's good. And so do a couple of others.

I guess I have always been worried about making the wrong decision. And planning out my time I guess is instrumental. Something else I need to work on and soon because life is evolving and just requires some efficiency around now

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's the essence of the quarter life crisis. Too many choices. This is going ho to be core of our screenplay. This week, i missed you alot. Also, i missed the one whose name must not be mentioned. mostly i get annoyed as hell when that happens because its random. Also, it's not logical...and really, who has the time for the illogical??? I didn't speak to the new one for two days, a day and a half for you western folk. Mostly thats disconcerting becuase it's a beautiful distraction. You're in michigan right now with your girlfriend, that's almost as strange to type as it is to acknowledge. I hope you're ok. I mean, i know you will be, but sometimes i worry. So the question of the hour is whether or not your prefer a winter Jerusha or a summer one.

Let me know.

Hopelessly devoted to you.
