Friday, October 06, 2006

Nitro Noshing

Being home this week put me online a whole lot more, which meant that I talked to people I sometimes wouldn't. One of those people is my girl Nitro, who has been my friend ever since I was dating her then-suitemate Drizzle. Since she's graduated, we've had a mini-tradition meeting up in the city we love and adoring the heck out of it, usually with dinner and sometimes a show.

Some of our adventures are so crazy that we have names for them like "The Two Pen Brunch" (the meal was so unexpectedly exorbitantly priced that Nitro took the two pens that came to sign the bill) and "The Invisible Meal" (lesson: French gourmet is delicious but the portions are quite tiny). And we have a bunch of inside jokes that's developed from them too ("Oh gelatin" or "carbonated molasses"). We have a ball talking about everything from relationships, why people are stupid, my planned senate run, the NFL; you name it and we can probably talk about it.

So for our 14th of these (we counted over dinner), we went to a French restaurant that specializes in cheese preparation, Artisanal. I was skeptical at first. Just cheese? But Nitro is pretty bourgeois and reliable when it comes to food choices so I trusted her and off we went. Wow who knew cheese could be so good? This fondue we had was crazy. They even put some cheese next to the chicken I ordered and that was good too.

Plus the conversation was better. We talked about my upcoming Luna trip and my excitement, Terrell Owens, law futures, and just a whole bunch of random stuff that is important and unimportant at the same time. But I like our little outings. Makes me glad to have a friend like that. Cinnamon wafers for all

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