Friday, October 20, 2006

Moving Day

You know Brother From Another Mother disappeared on me. Or maybe I disappeared from him. Probably a mutual disappearance. He called me a couple weeks ago and left a message. He even saw me on my way to work, but I declined the ride cause I needed the walk to wake up after a long night.

So two nights ago he called me while at work and left a message about needing people to help him move. Sadly I missed the first date cause I got the message late. Lo and behold he called me again to ask if I would help him today. And that's where I just came from.

What to say? What to say? I'm happy to see him growing up. Not that I didn't think he could. It's just that BFAM and I developed a bond over being kind of the same. Gifted, talented, young brothers stuck in the muck and mire of insouciance waiting for the moment where everything coalesced and potential was realized. And thank God that he's pulling out of it, or that he may be out of it. He's married. They're both employed. And they're expecting a little one.

I have such hope now. Because if he did it, I know I can. We both employ a lot of the same logic. The same confusion. But he did it. I know I can too.

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