Saturday, April 07, 2007


That's the only way to describe the religious experience I had today. I totally forgot that it was Youth Week of Prayer (which is why my parents were somewhat miffed when I returned home last night). I already was going to church with something extra to praise God for but the environment heightened the experience exponentially.

For one we had a crazy band to accompany our praise team. This included my former music teacher who eventually became a musical director for gospel artists so you know it was on point. They even sang my current favorite gospel song which I had played all this morning (Hezekiah Walker - Faithful Is Our God). The youth choir was on point too.

But it was the sermon. The highly regarded son-in-law of our senior pastor was up to the plate and boy he delivered. My thumbs were never motionless because I was typing so many notes in my cell phone. Working out of Acts 12, this is the main stuff I took.

1) When your faith is awake, you can go to sleep. Me and mom looked at each other on that one. That is some power right there.

2) When God calls, you have to "arise quickly" so the chains will come off. Too often, stuff is leading us in a certain direction and we dawdle and miss out on things that were supposed to be ours. So when the spirit is moving, you have to get up. It's what Peter did in Acts 12 when the angel came to free him from prison.

It was truly a fulfilling service. I haven't been so juiced leaving church in a while.

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