Sunday, September 30, 2007

This Sucks

The title encapsulates it all.

I arrived at the older boys' program only to have it confirmed that I was just a regular staff and really wasn't doing anything too special. Then I found out that the meeting I was set to have with their program director wouldn't happen cause he called out for tomorrow.

For most of the day that was fine though, since we only had three boys. I figured I could save my dread for the next day, when I would return, but only with a full house and more chances for firecrackers. I got to watch football uninterrupted and read New York Times articles I printed. There was a point I was in the house alone just watching football.

Lo and behold, at dinner time, I actually start to do my job. And a mild mannered Muslim, who happens to be Caucasian and loves Magic cards and collecting currency, started flipping out cause he couldn't get an extra piece of chicken. He actually called me "boy" and then as he flipped out more, clubbed me in the right cheek. Then when I tried to hold him, he grabbed my shirt and told he wasn't letting go cause I was touching him and yelling. Of course I had stopped speaking and had my hands up which should be indicative of this kid's mental illness. He finally let go and I closed the door on him in the solution room. Of course he wished for my death and threatened to press charges, over what, I don't know. Luckily he was a blubbering mess when he came out.

But my face still stung. And my elbow was even worse since I banged it on a wall in the ensuing struggle. And I can't even type this now without grimacing. To add salt to my wounds, the Mets completed one of the worst chokes in all of sports history today by not even making the playoffs after leading their division since May. They blew a 7 game lead in little over two weeks.

And I have to go back to those guys tomorrow. And I'm not going to a Mets playoff game this week. Common better have the sickest show this Friday and please believe there will be a plethora of libations imbibed.

Update - Monday, October 1st, 2007, 11:26 a.m.

The mirror told me my right cheek was swollen. I hate the mirror.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yikes..i had no clue you were getting abused at work....i'm a nurse now...i can help!