Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Morning After

The first jolt I got was when I reached for my cell phone so that I could shut off the alarm. There was soreness in my hand. Then I felt it in my tricep. I really couldn't fathom why I was in pain. There was a point where the shower water worked doubly. As it scalded, it also soothed pains I was yet to have. It slowly came back to me that yesterday I had a mini-sumo match with one of my clients and he landed a slight jab to my left cheek. He's also 270 lbs. Doodlebug tells me thats 140 kilos or something.

Yes. Wow indeed.

After these stressful incidents, which included spitting on me and trying to emasculate me through kicking, my brain just put them away, which is pretty typical of people in my field. If these incidents don't get filed away appropriately, it's bad for everyone. Yeah I was pissed off. Maybe a bit embarrassed. But the kid is mentally ill. And there is still paperwork to be done and garbage to dispose of. And in one hour you will be home in your bed. Just move on.

But then mornings after like these, you wonder why you do it. Why this type of beating? Why not hit books, sell out, and cash in? Get that prestige that Dad craves so much? As I put the lotion on my hands just minutes ago, the exercise was just a syllabus in learning exactly where things hurt the most. And what hurts now will only be exacerbated and added on to if my scheduled date with ultimate frisbee comes to fruition.

There's some grander purpose to this I think. I can honestly say that I am a bit lazy but I enjoy what I do. I am getting tired of it. Sometimes I find myself not giving it my total devotion and that disappoints me. But still the pros drastically outweigh the cons. And I do love to play.

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