Sunday, September 02, 2007


Warning: The following post may be a little too candid. If you continue and are eventually perturbed by the information you garnered, I apologize. You might also want to relax too.

Last week, as my boys were packing at work to move to their new house, I was sitting listening to beats one of the them was making on his PS2. Another boy, who is quickly becoming my favorite, came out of the bathroom. He seemed kind of dazed for a second like he didn't know where he was. Just as I was about to ask him if he was okay, he piped up in a chipper voice, "I just took two poopies in there." He then turned on his heels and returned to his activity. I just started to chuckly and I finally asked if he did feel okay and he responded that he felt great. He even was walking noticeably lighter on his toes.

Its funny that some of our boys actually have laxatives as part of their medication plan. Partially it is because some of the meds they are on do clog up the system as a side effect. But for some it actually is a conributor to the mood stabilization. That clogged up system can bog us down as a whole. I wonder how often a kid has had an issue partially because their mood was affected by their inability to defecate. I can understand why. Posh loves her sit down tete-a-tetes with the Porcelain Goddess. And I too relish the good morning cleansings.

Maybe the world needs to take more dumps

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