Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Live from the Manor

I am typing live from West Wing in my soon to be former workplace, the Manor. Four of the five residents are asleep and one is quietly playing with his Bionocles as he listens to the local Clear Channel drone station.

I'm having mixed feelings about leaving. Actually they are all feelings that make me want to stay. Yes I am losing the supervisor and co-worker that I mesh so well with. And it would be hellish. But I feel I have a special rapport with these kids. Just the other day, I had like a 20 minute pseudo therapy session with a kid who at points was on the verge of tears. Today I helped quiet a hall after one of our new staff was just losing her mind. And I feel sorry for the kids whose lives are nothing but turnover. But to lose two supervisors, three regular staff, and an assistant program director in a 4 week period seems kind of overdoing it. Granted the kids will survive. They're resillient. They've made it this far. But should I make it harder?

Is it just my vanity? Do I feel the need to feel important and these kids give me that? I haven't really been praying as much as I should and maybe my knees is where I should return. Actually I know that's where I should be. Uuuughh. I hate when the right answer is in front of me and I consistently neglect it.

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