Thursday, August 17, 2006

Gnarls Barkley @ Summerstage

Tonight I felt the need to move away from my traditional concert review because tonight was a totally different experience. That's not to say that all the other times weren't phenomenal. But tonight. Oh tonight. Something special was in the air.

Today started off with me clearing out my apartment, a surprisingly simple, pleasant experience. As I rode down with Dad and he taught me the nuances of maximizing efficiency of gas mileage, I wasn't my usual panicky self faced with the prospect that I would be late for my show. I could have mentioned it to him and he would have accommodated. He is that type of fellow. Lately, he's done so much I didn't want to seem ungrateful and spoiled. Plus I was enjoying the trip. We stopped at my grandfather's, who gave me this Superfly leather jacket, belt and all. Also had a rest stop in Hartford where we wicked up grinders and cookies. Our last stop was Stamford where we gave the cookies to the triplets from church and I had a lovely conversation with their mother. It still amazed me how I am an adult and people speak to me as such. I really enjoy it. Once we (or I) moved my stuff upstairs, I was off.

Yes the doors opened at 5:45 and I was leaving my house minutes to 8. But I was nonplussed. And the local train came just as I rand down the stairs. Making my way to the concert, I was amazed to see a mini-Woodstock set up behind the event space. Kudos to the beautiful people who buck convention in the face of a sold-out event and say , "We're going to enjoy this anyway."

Once I ambled in I once again thanked God I was tall because I wouldn't have seen anything otherwise from my position. Seriously how does anyone under 6 feet tall afford to show up late to one of these things? But the great thing was I struck up conversation with two lovely Caucasians who I spent the rest of the night with. (At this point props to Mom who helped mold my innate Carnegie charm into the chameleon-like personality I am today, adaptable to most social situations)

It was the shortest wait I ever experienced I guess since I was late. But me, Jeff & Amanda (my Caucasian companions) made our way to the center and got much better sound, something I would have never ventured on my own. Throughout the show we laughed, made song predictions, appreciated the music, and just had an awesome time.

Oh wait the music. It was as one concertgoer said as we left (sorry no rubber bands) "Fuckin' excellent." They came out dressed as the kids from School of Rock and rock they did. They did their songs first., it already escapes me which one. But throughout the night they were a complete explosion of energy. They covered the Greenhorns (yeah I don't know who that is either) and the Doors (yeah I know them but as Jeff pit it they chose one of the most obscure songs) but they pulled them off excellently as far as I could tell. They finished with "Crazy" and then walked off. If that was it, I would have been happy but of course they strolled back out and did three more songs including my favorite (thank you God) "Smiley Faces" to really end it. And as I did my rendition of the Carlton dance from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, I think I left Earth for a moment.

And it was over. And it wasn't The atmosphere that I submerged myself in is still with me even after a steaming subway ride. I wonder who are the people who buy beach balls and throw them to and fro at events like tonight's. Why did God bless them with the quality to get the party started and keep it going? And look at the random connection I made with a beanstalk from Indiana & a rhythmic lilliputian from New Orleans. (Pat on the back for refusing their alcoholic invitation) You best believe I am silent screaming even as I write this.

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