Saturday, August 12, 2006

Coming Of Age

I was on my roof today for one of my traditional Sabbath sun salutations when it hit me that I am living my own version of a coming of age novel or movie, the ones I adore so much. If you are unfamiliar with the genre, stereotypically they all go something like this: smart but misguided young man has series of experiences that force him to grow up and realize his life's callings. Each story varies. Some have a diverse circle of friends, usually they have a tight knit homie or two. And their realization comes in different fashions as well. At points it can be a new relationship. Sometimes its a new career.

I digress. The point is that I feel like something is happening. I felt like I was in the script even as I stood on my roof aimlessly jumping around like I had figured out the cure for the world's hunger problems. All the story elements are there. The career transition, the interesting relationship with my father, the sage words I've been receiving from Dr. Amertil, and the new amazing I-don't-know-what-to-call-it relationship with Lady Luna (f/k/a Jane Eyre, Lady Justice, & Jive Turkey). The funny part is that I don't really have any grand affirmation about life. I'm as confused as any other day. But maybe just knowing that I am moving toward losing the fogginess in my crystal ball is exciting enough.

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