Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Can You Imagine?

I was having a typical deep late night conversation with Bassline last night about our favorite topic, relationships. See Bassline is caught in quite the quandary. He loves two women at the same time. Like he can't really choose which relationship to go with. And I can see the pain in his face. And I know how he must feel. Especially since one girl is pouring his heart out to him and her mother is on the brink of death. Then the other one has been pouring her heart out forever.

But it just made me think of how powerful this love thing is. I think back upon my past relationships and what motivated me and what hurt me and how deeply I felt and hurt and loved. It's all so breathtaking and unfathomable. It's just so powerful.

I can't even imagine what God has been through and for so long. I have found myself curled up like a fetus crying over love. And I've rereead e-mails and replayed messages for the endless smile it gave me because of love. Can you imagine being God and dealing with that for everyone? For eternity? He has to end this world or He'll die Himself. He's just so awesome.

I look ahead at Luna and this crazy/beautiful thing we got going. It's not love yet. That would be way too fast. But I know that there is a distinct and very real possibility for it to form. And as painful and blah as love has been to me in the past, I really cannot let go of the high that it has given. It's why I actually will stop surfing eBay and look for a plane ticket to buy next week to fly to little ol' South Bend to see her.

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