Saturday, December 09, 2006

Saturday With The Picaresque

As you know, last week our plans for adventure were derailed by an unexpected visitor, but this week Coffee Bean and I headed out to see Bonsi sing and then have our planned meal. Well Bonsi was already out there so me and Coffee Bean headed out there with no rush. We left school later then we had planned and we dawdled at Dunkin Donuts too.

The ride there was fine until we got off the highway and into the streets of Chestnut Hill which is a suburb of Boston. On the ride, we did see a closer Cheesecake Factory then the one we were planning to go to but we ended getting overzealous with the directions and sadly we got lost. We got tense. We dealt with racist people ginving us directions. And I realized that when people are tense I definitely soak it up to an unhealthy level. There were times I just wanted to get out the car and just walk.

Thankfully it was unnecessary and we made it to the concert, somewhere close to the end. It was no big thing. We had just heard it the week before and Bonsi later informed us it was nothing to sneeze at. So off we headed to The Cheesecake Factory and we were actually seated right away. Lovely server named Sean helped us out the whole time. We all had the same cocktail ("The Ritz") which was lovely and wonderful. But even more fulfilling than the food and drink was just the company. Coffee Bean and Bonsi are just fun, you can't explain it any other way.

After we ate, we walked around the adjoining mall and saw particularly curious statues of reindeers that even inspired Bonsi to coin a new tune on the spot ("Homosexual Reindeer" coming to stores next year). We wanted to seee a movie but the driving in that town was just to harrowing so we headed back to school. (It was so harrowing that CB ran a red light and got pulled over but luckily she's a cute girl who made a smart plea and she got off with a warning)

It's kind of sad that I will see them less next semester after I move. I really have fun with them and actually long to hang out with them more. They give me a positive vibe I really don't get anywhere else. I gueess that's why you slow down and take the time to appreciate life before it passes you by.

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