Sunday, December 24, 2006

My Missing Family

Oh father has always been a bit reticient in encouraging interactions with his families. His upbringing is obviously a sensitive and overlooked issue in his life. His relations with both of his divorced parents is/was strained and he has a strange relationship with his closest sibling, his only full brother. All his younger half siblings also share an interesting type of malaise with life as well. Although the youngest is in his mid-thirties, all five have had few interactions with major romantic relationships and seemingly try to minimize their interactions with my lovable but also overbearing grandfather and his also overbearing wife.

So it came as a surprise when my mom relayed that out of nowhere one of these half-siblings randomly sent my father a text message saying he would help out with my outstanding bill at school after hearing of my plight from my grandfather. It moved me to tears because sometimes you forget that there are people out there that care for you even though its not always apparent. I became upset when my mother continued to tell me my father's reaction, which was to complain that someone was sending a text message when he had no plan for it. I think its more of a pride issue with him. And to some degree I don't want anyone helping me too much. But when you're between a rock and a hard place, you can't complain about how uncomfortable the rock is especially when someone is trying to get you out of there.

Have to love the family though.

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