Saturday, December 30, 2006

Church With The Old Folks

So today church was especially exciting because it seems there was an impromptu reunion of former students of the Hanson Place Elementary School. There was one guy, former nemesis (at least in my head), back to bless his baby in his Marine outfit. Along with his wife and 3 other kids, we were told that he was soon to leave for Iraq. I don't know why I was crying for my acquaintance that I was never really cool with, but I was. During the break for Communion, I went down to see him and say hi in person and there were two more former students. One is my boy whio used to sing in choir with me and is now a therapist out in Cali. Another just finished up his degrees in speech pathology. Yet another is working on his masters in engineering. It was so nice to see five black men doing things the right way. I felt a little behind, I won't lie. But I was more proud of the fact that I was still on the same track, and that's something to praise God about.

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