Tuesday, December 05, 2006


A big problem over the summer when staff morale was especially low was that we weren't getting positive reinforcement that we were doing a good job. In our line of work, it's apparent that many of the luxuries from other lines of work will never be seen. So just the "Hey good job" or the occasional free pizza and soda goes a long way in keeping us from losing our minds. Sadly it didn't happen.

Now that has changed a whole lot with the installation of a new program director and assistant program director. But still the notes of appreciation from people that you don't always work with are even sweeter. And I got two today.

First, one of our boys ran into the receptionist's office and I skillfully got him out with only words and she told me "You're the man." That means a lot because she's worked in the building for a while and has seen her share of staff-client interactions so that's on point. Then I had to go to school to pick up a kid from our version of detention which is served in the cafeteria. So I got there a little early and the Director for Education actually asked me to escort a girl to a solution area even though her program staff was there. Plus she called me by name which I didn't think she knew. So that was even better because somewhere or somehow she saw me in action or heard about me and that made enough of an impression on her to trust me to take a potentially violent girl to the solution area. Weird way to compliment but hey I'll take it.

I'll be on a high all day.

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