Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Niceness Continues

So the staff at Perkins trust me enough in my new position to run shift to actually free me from the confines of my own program and supervise another program's shift. Now usually when my supervisor or his contemporary get the news that they have to sup at the girls' program, they roll their eyes. It's understandable. Each program has its own system of mores and norms and it's like a new learning curve every time you go.

But I chose to be optimistic. First, they trust me enough to do it. Second, I actually like the girls. Every time I've worked there, they've been darlings and whenever I see them like in school or anything, it's a "What's up" and a high five or something. So with some trepidation, I walked myself over there.

Excellent shift. Just straight fun. Singing in the hallways. Activities, routines, and bedtime were seamless. Apology letters written. Girls accepting consequences without flipping out. Utterly fantastic. I mean there were some holds, but nothing I could have done from a supervisory sense. Both girls were freaking out about their upcoming holiday visits and happened to take it out on staff. But they both talked it out and were fine for the rest of the night.

Man I almost feel bad that I never went for their supervisor position since it was open for so long. Then I think I couldn't deal with the feminine issues on a day-in day-out basis. But it was fun while it lasted.

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