Saturday, July 15, 2006

My Saturday

Today could have been called pleasantly surprised day.

For the first time in months I attended church in Massachusetts. I was pleasantly surprised that the sermon was actually coherent and applicable. Pastor Mo saves his best stuff for when the students are away. Philippians 1 is a good chapter.

Then I went over to my old apartment to bite the bullet and pick up this movie I promised one of the boys at work I'd bring to him. I actually spent like three hours there chilling with the Princess Bride (who will need a new name considering she is no longer a bride) setting up a MySpace page and just dishing. And I remembered why I always loved spending time around their family. Pleasant surprise.

Then Bassline called and we did some laundry. And once again we had our soon to be trademark long meandering yet fulfilling conversation over the course of 4 or so hours. Now catalogued in our relationship is our affinity for women's calves which I believe I spoke about on my old blog. Plus we went through the suckiness of actually having premarital sex and what the possible consequences for the rest of our lives are. From lighthearted to totally stupid to deep. All fulfilling.

And now I go to sleep ready to face off against the kids. Not remorseful over the fact that I am not marching. Loving life.

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