Saturday, July 22, 2006

How's Your Day Going?

Today I woke up in the midst of an existential crisis

So I went to my roof and prayed. Maybe it's because I've been reading this book that focuses on a Muslim girl from Bangladesh and her acclimation to western society but nonetheless I did it.

But after that point everything seemed to go rather smoothly. I went to church and was inspired by elected officials. I went to the altar and calm rushed over my body. I heard a great sermon. I took it in stride when I felt amazingly old as I watched a child who used to follow me around get baptized and then had a semi-grown witty conversation with his college bound sister. And another child who has since forgotten me but has grown so much and so beautifully.

I was charming and it was a great day. Or should I say it is a great day.

I feel much more optimistic than the maudlin mood I inhabited yesterday. Hopefully the rest of the day goes just as well

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