Friday, June 30, 2006

You've Gone Too Far

So I was in Barnes & Noble today looking for some philosophy by Baruch Spinoza. Sadly philosophy is only worthy of three bookcases at B & N and as I rounded the corner hoping to find another one, I stumbled upon the astrology section, which has the same two bookcase apportionment. As much as I have tried to cut the readings of the stars out of my life, the appeal of insight into one's personality and guidance for life decisions is to delicious to ignore. I know that the claims are silly. If they're all looking at the same stars, why is there an infinite number of interpretations?

For pure entertainment value, I decided to debunk the theories once and for all. For some reason, according to my birthday, my color is silvery white and my animal is the dolphin. The dolphin? How do they even come up with this stuff? So here are a couple of my personality traits according to my birthday: interesting (vague maybe?), communicative, commanding, self-unaware (that might be true), undiplomatic (my life is completely about being a diplomat. How much ass have I passed up because I was diplomatic?), great voice (no complaints on that one), low key humor (me to a t), likes positions supporting but close to power (yeah), life enjoyer (chyeah), campaigner, charming, appear attractive, vain (sometimes), luxurious, sensitive, self-indulgent, intuitive, regonizes life patterns in others, sadness & melancholy, feels love deeply (so true), cynical (also true).

Hmmm interesting huh. So as you can see I found myself in agreement with most. So I found another book that offered forecasts for the year 2006 and I copied down the July predictions. We'll be tracking this for the month to see how things turn out.

July 2006 for Capricorns:
A refresher
In June, serious challenges were met. Now is a time to review, reconsider, and recommit
2: Count the chickens (Whatever that means?)
4th - 28th: Relationship issues of last month will be addressed and loose ends will be tied up. The focus is on interpersonal communication and love
10: Super Nova Day - Feelings come to fruition
18: Good Day for romance, yet it is also a day I should keep thoughts to myself
22: Focused
24: Out of depression, More playful (Wait they didn't tell me when I was going into depression. Is that the feeling fruition day?)

So we'll track and finally when all these predictions are proved wrong, I will be free from my dependence on balls of gas light years away

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