Monday, May 15, 2006

Not So Bad

So today was mildly productive but rewarding nonetheless.

Last night I had the bright idea to write down what I wanted to do today. I think I got through 4 out of 6 which is pretty good. Most importantly I stuck with the Bible study/Prayer part even though my alarm didn't go off and I had to help Coffee Bean with some stuff. God led me to a piece of scripture He had led me to very recently so I was very tempted to blow it off. But something told me to keep reading and indeed I found something new.

Then I actually got motivated about the whole driving thing but I think I put the cart before the horse cause I'm reviewing cars instead of studying for the test. One step at a time.

I faced confrontation and actually went to speak to my program director at work about things that were actually beneficial to me. And it wasn't half bad. (Bonus: I was personally requested to be in this experiential education group that goes hiking every week. My code name is Commander Shaft. No joke. The kids picked it.)

Plus I was funny with co-workers, my kids did relatively well, and I have no new bruises. All in all a great day. And two of my three habits I've been trying to kick have been no shows for a significant amount of time. And my momma sent me the most insightful e-mail. All in all a great day.

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