Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Apoptosis of Relationships

Excuse the big words but I just came back from acing a genetics test so bear with me.

Apoptosis is the programmed or regulated death of cells. Funny enough it is initiated by the cell itself when it realizes something has gone awry in its framework. The cell does try to repair itself, like when DNA might have mutated. But it often realizes it cannot and therefore kills itself.

Isn't that how relationships work sometime? Sometimes that death as quick as it needs to be, as we hold on to the DNA in our relationships that is still good and wonderful. And there is where the pain comes in. It's hard to know that something you love is slowly dwindling away.

Recently I got correspondence from Drizzle and I was super excited. I was quickly disappointed to find that it was only a forward. Ditto for one I received days later. I can say truthfully that I am over the romantic side of our relationship but I still treasured the friendship. Now that distance and time has grown, our ties are not as strong and therefore, the pull dies as well. I'm not one for many friends so when I lose one it hurts immeasurably.

But there is joy in other places and that which does not kill me makes me stronger

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