Thursday, May 04, 2006

If Backsliding Was A Sport...'d have a gold medal" Skillz

This morning I felt guilty because last night I went out drinking with the boys from work. My desire to belong overwhelmed the common sense I have been exhibiting for a two week stretch. And it was a fun time. Joking and talking and feeling like an equal. In hindsight though, the liquor was unnecessary to the proceedings. I still would have known that they respect me and trust me. I still would have laughed. It just made no sense.

But we must not dwell on our mistakes but rather learn from them. Though I blew a chance to be a "Workplace Witness," which God has been letting me do in rather surprising ways, I must keep myself ready for the next opportunity. The setback does not define me but rather it helps to mold the final product.

Today God led me to a passage in Jeremiah 13 where God was in the midst of admonishing the Israelites for the umpteenth time. But it made a serious point. God is just asking us to do what He would like to keep us safe. He'll always be God and He'll always be straight. He just wants it to happen for us too. In verses 15 - 17, He points out that we need to keep our lights on before they get blown out so we don't fall. My light went out temporarily but I don't plan on staying down.

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