Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Lord Is Leading

So I realized how much God does not want me to be in Massachusetts.

I figured in honor of my Peter Pan Complex results going down (Test here) I thought I would actually get a permit and do the driving thing in my free time while I'm still up here. I researched the ID I needed and had it all with me.

So why does the lady say I need more than what I researched. Funny the thing I didn't have was proof of residency. Like anyone really wants to prove they're from Massachusetts.

I stew and stew. Thank you Lord for sending Grandpa to keep my bearings. But then I research New York's requirements. A passport and a social security card. That's it. There's no hidden trick? Aren't we the state that got bombed?

So when I go home that's what I'll do. Sure I have to take mandatory courses and master parallel parking, but I'm hoping that's one of the skills Dad passed to me in his Y chromosome.

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