Tuesday, May 02, 2006

God Is A Great God

As you recall from my earlier post, it wasn't exactly the easiest morning yesterday. Thankfully I ended that post with an e-prayer, and even though I wasn't on my knees, He came through.

I went to class and said something mildly intelligent and coherent. Then I helped Coffee Bean write a paper. That made me feel good, though her indecision at points can be frustrating. At times I find it endearing and cute, which luckily is the majority.

I then went to the registrar and I had a lovely conversation with her. I'm not a fan of confrontation but I was calm and just went at it and it wasn't much of a confrontation at all. I guess it's just I don't like hearing bad or unfavorable news which is usually what I get. But she broke it down simply and calmly and it seems that as long as I hold up my end of the bargain, I will be a college graduate come July.

So that was pleasing and to continue on my face fears run I went and had a talk with Discip, my landlord. At first I was scared that I was going to hear some more unfavorable news. But it turned out he was in my corner more than I expected. He even gave me a pep talk. I never knew how much he thought of me. Because I respect him so much, that means a lot, especially in spite of what I just did to his house. He breaks things down amazingly as well and put everything in perspective. The main points I got from him were these: 1) Depression should not happen and if it does it can be easily beat by surrounding yourself with the right people and reflecting on the positives that are in your life and 2) When your eyes are on God, nothing is insurmountable. Matter of fact, it shines through you and everyone can see it and they are affected too. It's funny how our perceptions of people change over time. At first I thought he was an abrasive yet lackadaisacal individual but lately he's been more and more of a sage to me. I think he will be the Marcus Garvey Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at CMU.

Another blessing of that July graduation is that I will share it with people I kind of know. In May, it would have been weird because I wouldn't have really shared it with anyone. But Sim One and Bassline (co-founder of CMU) are graduating. Me and Bassline might even get shirts done with CMU on them. So that will be fun.

And finally I played hooky on work and had a wonderful time with Coffee Bean. We went to see a funny movie and hopped to the end of another one. Had some delicious heart stopping food. Played chess. Looked at the history of Playboy. Ended a year-long search for a book. I was even proactive when I came back and started to work on my resume now that graduation really seems probable

For two days straight, God has led me to the passages of the Bible he wants me to read. Yesterday was Psalms 54 - 56 and today was Ezra 9. Both apropros in the stickiest of times. Anyway I am gushing with energy and I have Him to thank for it.

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