Friday, March 23, 2007

The Experiment Continues

So I haven't slept all day. And recall that I was up at 8 in the morning. This isn't that peculiar but my friend I raipsed off to sleep at 3 or so. I guess I've worked on less sleep, but that was possibly adrenaline. Anyway on this lazy Friday I have actually accomplished something.

My room needed serious straightening up and I put loads of clean laundry away and made my closet look slightly more presentable. I really need to go through my wardrobe and weed out the unnecessary. I can't believe I've accumulated so much.

I also burned like 7 CDs for the suspiciously absent Absolute (I think that's my final nickname for my former co-worker with whom I was supposed to have lunch with today, I thought).

I spent some more time on the phone with Posh. We got into a whole (playful)argument about how she wants to name one of her sons after her father so that his name lives on. I told her there was no way a heterosexual black male who would be prominently involved in the child's life would not allow some piece of his last name to be part of his children's, especially his son. This took up some time. I at least got her to the point where she is open to suggestion and bargaining. What a hard head sometimes.

I did watch some Sportscenter and NFL Live and got in touch with my inner couch potato. I also watched an "Engaged & Underage" How Are They Now Wrap-Up Show. I found it interesting thtat they only profiled 4 couples. Was there not enough time? Were the others tired of being in front of the camera? Were they not doing well? Probably a combination of all three.

I ate.

I showered.

I resumed the prccess of making sure some of my errant music files were more accurate in their information.

I'm blogging.

I think a nap is in order.

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