Saturday, October 01, 2005

Shabbat Shalom

If this first day of the month is indicative of the following ones, October is going to be mighty fine. I woke up lazily in my warm room. Went out to the warm sunshine only to be accosted by French (or Creole) shouting. But it was just Mummy Shu, Kate's mom and wife of my landlord. So we had a lovely laughing conversation. Then it was off to the bak where I spoke with the friendly teller. Then my momma sent me a care package with my favorite cookies and vitamins. I took a walk to the grocery store and got some necessities.

But finally I took off all my clothes, save for my visor and sweatpants, and just chilled. Rediscovered some old gospel tapes I grew up on and had a praise party as I sat out on my deck. I should have been organizing my stuff or doing something else more constructive but the Sabbath is about rest and that is what I did. How fantastic!

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