Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Activism Is Dead

Rosa Parks died yesterday. Yes God bless and all of that. Everybody else is saying it.

But her passing made me think that there is has been no one born in the past 45 years that will be mourned in the black community for actually trying to advance the social station of African-Americans. Forget African-Americans. Everybody's station in life really could be much better. In the wake of the fact that we could have saved $20 billion dollars if we used generic drugs instead of name brands, life is much harder than it needs to be. No one cares about anything anymore. When senators and congressmen die, they'll be remembered for the bridge they helped build in their home district, not for making life better (although their traffic contributions are immeasurable).

I think medicine will be a waste of my time. As my profile (previous posts people, keep up) mentions, I take on the affairs of the oppressed and downtrodden. That's what I'm going to do. I want to cut the rate of African-American males going to prison. I want to increase the rate of matriculation and graduation amongst minorities in higher education. I want people to understand the importance of true mental health. And there's a bunch that I'm missing. But I want to make it better. This world sucks and you people need to realize it. Then we can make it sweet.

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