Monday, October 03, 2005


Once again I am here at front desk procrastinating, doing nothing special at all. Then my RA pal Beastmaster comes through, says some funny thing, and then leaves. But then he back tracks and asks if everything is okay. I didn't realize I looked so forlorn and honestly at that moment, I did feel a bit sad. So I replied I was so-so. And then he said we should pray together at some point, something we did semi-regularly when we were both RA's. Then he made some funny comment, I made one, and he was off.

And as I write this I have tears in my eyes. Not because I am especially depressed, but rather because I am so moved the Lord could impress on him how I was feeling. It truly is an amazing thing.

Being up at this school has afforded me so many blessings. One of the greatest I have realized is the value of quality interactions. I think growing up a shy, only child that absorbed information, I secretly craved friends and just regular contact. That's why I have few, real hardcore friendships. I go all out for my friends because they mean so much to me. I probably go further than necessary for people I consider celebrated acquaintances. Those interactions are so important to me I can't really explain it. I save every IM conversation obsessively just for that reason. It's like I need that reminder that I have experienced it and how much I enjoyed it.

Sometimes I'm saddened to think how many friendships I missed since most of my pre-teen and high school years were spent in a self-induced hibernation, but I'm glad for the ones I have now cause I'm that much more appreciative.

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