Thursday, November 09, 2006

Yeah I Am That Ninja

(I would have used a certain racial slur in place of "Ninja" in the title but I like to keep the blogs as clean as possible. Dig?)

So I picked up a shift at work because I am Superman and I am that nasty. But when you pick up, you get to dictate your hours, so like usual I put down that I would leave at 8. Kids asleep, do a couple of chores, and be out.

Yeah not how it worked out. I was in the solution area (think detention in your house) from 4 - 10. That's right kids, I didn't leave till 10. Why? Well honestly in residential, it's basically a crapshoot. And today the shit hit the fan. (So much for cleanliness in speech)

Long story short, kids were just being assholes to kids all day. Their psychoses all seem to be acting up a lot lately and they all just bunched together for one huge issue that happened right at bedtime. But Superman that I am, I still had meaningful discussions with like four of the kids who had issues and I feel it was positive so no worries. And even though all that stuff was going on, I didn't lose my cool which has been happening a little more frequently than I'd like to.

Plus I'm going back tomorrow. They ain't found kryptonite for me yet and I doubt they will be able to locate it.

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