Sunday, January 15, 2006

When Did Silence Get Such A Bad Rap?

So I'm on the airbus going from Monterey back to San Jose and people and these people are just chatting it up. What makes it worse is that two of the conversants have two of the most stereotypically annoying voices on the planet. The driver speaks in a lazy monotone and there's this old lady who has this sweet everything will be okay voice that is currently in its higher register. Unfortunately she doesn't realize her political views really hold no weight when people can't tell if she's talking about the path rightward of the Supreme Court or she's offering them a muffin.

I swear people can't let stuff just be. I find myself falling to the cabal lately. I actually caught myself initiating small talk with cab drivers. And what is the point? Why not save the breath you would waste on an entirely inconsequential conversation on maybe thinking about yourself for a change? You know how the weather is. Don't state the obvious.

Just shut up! The bloody animals seem to be happy

Let me sleep. Goodness!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey adam...this is roberto. your blogs are my soaps for the week and they're pretty interesting. They tell me about the things i never asked you about and even things that you I thought I should know but don't. Keep up the good work.