Wednesday, January 11, 2006

New Year's...uhhhh....Thingamajigs

I hate resolutions. They're so cliche. And always broken.

How bout we go with intentions? Something different cause I like to think that I am uncoventional.

Anyway, 10 days late here they are. And people it's time I did some of these things. So in no order of priority because they all need to get accomplished:

1) Renew faith in God. My spirituality has been seriously waning. There was a point when I could pen a poem for church services without any problem. Now it seems like a tax of my mental capacities. And I feel seriously detached most of the time and that probably is closely correlated with my relationship with the Father. We are moving in the right direction because last week I actually played Christian music for the whole Sabbath day. And thoroughly enjoyed it and got into it. Now I need to actually just make that along with reading the Bible and spiritual books more a part of my daily routine. And prayer. Definitely prayer.

2) Graduate. It's really simple. I started this college opus in September 2006. Children that I used to look upon as darling angels are about to start the same journey. I can't be there relating to them at the same time. Plus, I need to grow up. The things I want to accomplish require a degree. I mean even administrative assistants at non-profits need a BA or something. And I can't not graduate. I'd have to be totally pathetic to pull that off this semester.

3) Driver's License. One of my boys said it quite plain on Sunday. "Get your license!" And it is that siimple. Get the permit. Get some lessons. Do the damn thing. The benefits are endless. Get to sleep more. Get to go places on my own like my independent nature dictates. More options for leisure time activities. Increase ability to help out other people whether it be designated driver or just giving someone a lift.

4) Narrowing down my possibilities. My momma always said that I could do many things very well. It's been somewhat of a curse because I can't decide what that is. So this year we need to work on cutting down that long list. Maybe it is being in a non-profit. Maybe it is being a lawyer for underprivileged children. Maybe it's being the Cingular representative at football games when equipment starts to malfunction. Whatever it may be, we need to start winnowing that list. Indecision is easy. It's the decisions that are hard and it's time I challenged myself.

5) Be selfish about the right things. This ties into the last one. I think I'm a pretty selfless person, especially considering I am an only child. But I'm not selfish in the things that I need to be selfish about. At the end of the day, I find myself spent but I still maintain the same station in life as I keep giving minor boosts to other people. And I am proud for those boosts. But I need to start thinking about boosting myself. Cause this station is tired.

6) $2000 in the bank. I would like to show some financial stability. I already have 300 DVD's and now that I can download, CD's aren't as important. I fill two closets with clothes too. So this year needs to produce some financial responsibility. Pay bills on time. Not be frivolous with cash like I'm Diddy. And have something to show for it at the end so I can take a trip. Or better yet invest.

These are the main ones. If I think of any others, I'll add them later. But this will last forever on the internet. And on January 11, 2007 we'll check off how many I accomplished. Here goes nothing.

Rich in '06. Spiritually. Mentally. Fiscally.

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