Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Rituals Aren't Necessarily Bad

I hopped out the shower the other day and began to do my after shower ritual. Then I realized I hadn't done this ritual in quite sometime making it's validity as a ritual seriously suspect. Then I thought back a whole lot more. The things I used to do with frightening precision have sadly come to a halt.

There used to be a gym regimen complete with the order of machines I would use. This would be followed by a shower ritual and an after shower ritual. It was so obsessive compulsive I used to get mad if someone rushed me to go to the caf or open their door for them.

Oddly those rituals disappeared. And maybe that's why I am stuck in a rut. Not that the rituals did anything before, but they did help me accomplish things. Maybe if I apply the rituals to things that I really do want to accomplish, then things will happen in my favor. Quite the crazy concept huh?

So before I move on, I actually need to try and schedule things. Okay, now that we've got a method, we actually need to figure out what I want to accomplish.

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