Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The Hardway

Back when I was a good Christian, there was a particular DC Talk song I loved called "The Hardway." For some reason, that song spoke to me, even though I was in the midst of living an upper middle class lifestyle that offered no real hardships. Especially since I was only a tween at the time.

For some reason, I have been attracted to making life harder on myself for some unbeknownst reason. Maybe it was a sermon I heard where problems were presented as some sort of strengthening tool. I realized I had no problems and must some how be weak or something. And since then I seemed to have embraced problems. Even creating them for myself.

As I walked home from the dorm tonight, I realized that it shouldn't be this hard. Why am I walking in the snow when I could easily walk in the plowed road? Why didn't I just tell the hippie chick that I work with where I really live so I wouldn't need to walk at all? Why the hell am I 24 and still without a license so I can fucking drive my own ass home? (Sorry for the curses kids)


I have to stop doing this too myself. I'm too talented to waste the gifts I've been given

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