Monday, August 29, 2005

Therapy @ Denny's

There must be something about late nights and greasy food that lets the emotional floodgates run open. Maybe you're just so tired at that point and the grease just hits off some neurotoxins or something that makes it all work. But I've noticed that at my late night sessions at Denny's things just come out.

Last night, me and Posh went and I got some things out about my ongoing relationship woes with Coffee Bean. And in getting it out, it helped me realize things I needed to do and that I was doing. Similarly, a couple months back, it was Posh, who in the same seat, got stuff out about her frustrations with her father. Maybe the vinyl seating is enough like a psychiatrist's office that you just get comfortable.

After all their issues with diversity and stuff, maybe they could somehow incorporate that in their next marketing campaign. Like "Denny's: Out in the Open" or something. (Hey I'm not a copywriter. Give me some credit). But whenever I want to get something out I plan to pour my sorrows out over a T-Bone and eggs with a vanilla milkshake. There's no better way.

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