Saturday, February 17, 2007

Lovely Day

Well the title sums it up. It was just truly excellent. I can never overestimate how great it is to wake up at 11:30 am and still get a fulfilling church service in. Thank you Hanson Place for streaming. And they're better than the church experiences I would have up here. Man even though it was a guest speaker it was the springboard to my own personal revival. I used my roommates absence to bump my music super high and just have a praise ceremony. Man I was crying and carrying on for an extended period. It felt so good for my soul, I couldn't tell you.

After this amazing discovery, I accompanied Banana to see her get her labret (under your lip) pierced. It was really quick actually and looked quite painless except for the nick in Banana's chin that the dude happened to make. It's all cool.

Then we came back here and were chilling with her sister/my other roommate (man I need a nickname) and her boyfriend. Good times. Great oldies.

I like it here.

But I mean not that much. Y'all know what I mean

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