Saturday, January 20, 2007


Any time one takes the New York City subway system, one must prepare for an adventure, even if it is for one stop. More often than not, something sensational does not happen, but there's always the chance. Sometimes there are many small instances that help contribute to one's picture of the human condition and I guess that's what happened on my trip up to the van this evening.

First off, you have the Candy Slinga. Now the Candy Slinga has evolved over time. Initially, some urban youth would walk on the train with a box of candy and start with some petition about raising money for his basketball team. Depending on the pitch, people would then buy Starbursts and M & M's. Nowadays, the boys just straight up say there is no basketball team but they are just trying to earn some honest money and stay off the street which pulls on some other heartstrings I guess. Their ingenuity and stick-to-it-tiveness is admirable. CMU candidates all the way.

Now another fun element of subway riding is the movement of litter on the train. Sometimes its the way some spilled beverage manages to spread itself across the train with all the twists and jagged stops the train makes. Today, it was the movement of some green candy. It would move between one pole to another and kept everyone's rapt attention in the car I was in. I swear when someone stepped on it (who didn't even realize it) I think each of our hearts sank a little. It was a lot like what that kid must have felt when he was watching that bag in American Beauty. Okay it wasn't that deep but I mean like five people were intently watching this little ball go to and fro. Amazing. And after it met its end it just stood perfectly upright and still with its little dent but now immobile. Sadly beautiful.

Finally children are quite an expereince on the train. Sometimes its a window into parenting styles, many heartwarming, many scary. Tonight was the former kind. I'd say a 15 month old bundled up so tightly was having a ball as Ma Dukes was bouncing him wildly on her knees. From 110th to 145th he couldn't get enough. His pure laughter pierced another 7 hearts on the train. I actually missed them when they left.

All this adventure for $2.00. Still a bargain.

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