Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Hey Mr. Postman

I was out taking trash out of the house today when I saw someone walking down the street towards the house. Now I got worried cause Fitchburg is not exactly a pedestrian metropolis so random people walking without a carriage or a pet cause some concern. But then once I got the sun out of my eyes I realized it was just the mailman.

Now this is an exciting moment for me. The mailman is an artificial construct that I picked p from TV. In New York they are so impersonal, they might as well be machines. Like in our apartment building all the person does is come and park there for a while while he/she loads up each box. They're friendly with the doorman but since they don't match faces with mail since they stuff them in boxes there's really no connection.

So I said hi and made small talk and he was off. Pretty inconsequential but oddly exciting.

Ending transmission.

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