Saturday, January 13, 2007

Some Observations

1) I am one competitive individual. I worked today as my end of a switch so I had all of Sunday off. I was assigned to sit with the boy who has one on one attention which also means he can't do anything. So just to make sure he doesn't wake me from my half-conscious state, I begrudgingly accept a challenge of pickup sticks. Soon after a few miscues, my competitive juices start to flow. I am all too focused on making those sticks get out of their without disturbing any of their brethren. It was phenomenal. He was so distraught over his obliteration that he mostly played cars by himself from that point on. Mission accomplished.

2) I am one smooth cat. As I was getting out of the passenger seat of the van of my friend's father, I noted at how jerkily he got out of his seat belt and how easily my exit was in comparison. Truly a work of artt. It was like my movements had their own beat. And yes I did just type that.

3) As I was watching some airline commercial during the Colts game, I remembered a trip I took and a short friendship made with a fellow passenger. He was a white early middle aged man who chatted me up very easily. Never overbearing but friendly. And he never was condescending or anything. I felt like a total equal even though our ages and clothing style were on disparate ends of the spectrum. Belatedly, I present him the Cool White Guy Award.

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