Saturday, May 15, 2004

Where Have The Afterschool Specials Gone?

I was reading about this very interesting story from Australia way and I wondered whatever happened to the afterschool special. Why did this thought occur you ask. Well basically the story is just so fantastic that it seemed like something Disney would take and try to profit on, don't you think? But then one seven-year old and two kilometers does not a movie make. I don't think even a TV movie. Maybe if the kid was older or an adult, it could be some star-making vehicle or an Oscar bid type film like Tom Hanks in Cast Away.

No I decided the best format would be a TV half hour or hour, but obviously one shot shows for that amount of time are never fictional. They're either reality, game-based, or a news special. Except for one type of show. The Afterschool Special. Why oh why did they go? Don't the children of America need them more than ever? Now their only options are Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z, or some other trash that makes no sense. Our afterschool television taught morals while theirs just seems to teach the best way to aimlessly waste time and get seizures. Oh and finding new ways to spend their parents' money.

The afterschool special needs a redux now more than ever. You know, they weren't the most effective method to teach about the dangers of teen alcoholism, drug abuse, or pregnancy, but at least they were amusing. Instead of becoming more curious about all those things, at least for one afternoon you weren't in danger because you were watching the car wreck on the screen. Plus let's think about the practical use of bringing back the afterschool special: training ground for America's next batch of stars.

There used to be more places for kids to act as they grew up. Now all they can do is be voices on Nickelodeon and Disney Channel shows. Or worse yet, act in live action shows on the same networks. Everyone is worrying about the science gap shortening for America, but the entertainment gap is slowly eroding as well. A 12 year old New Zealand girl was nominated for Best Actress at our Oscar ceremony. Our best talent is subjected to extra bits in Olsen Twins discovery movies. People wake up!!! Call your local congressman and senator. Tell them to bring back the afterschool special and save America's youth.

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