Saturday, October 20, 2007

Nitro Returns

The day had been a continuous state of malaise. What better way to break it up than a visit with Nitro. It had been close to a year since our last get together. That had to be a new record since we started doing these meet ups. But life got in the way and I stopped using AOL Instant Messenger, which was our primary communication.

Tonight we met up to see "3:10 to Yuma", which was unexpectedly crowded. And after it was all done, guru and disciple were back in concert again. I've realized that we must be a really peculiar sight even on the streets of New York. Tall African-American speaking intently with a sub 5 foot South Asian American. I chuckle now when I see the stares of African-American women assuming that this is a date and mentally downgrading their options once again. If only they were privy to the conversations.

After the movie, we ambled around the Village looking for a suitable establishment to sit and converse, but the Village is fullof hot spots and not exactly conversation points. Worse off, since it was Friday, they were all packed and loud. Somehow me and Nitro just have that ond. As we walked, the conversation was just as loose and comfortable as ever. We caught up on her new position. I got to sound engaging as I shared funny anecdotes that were the source of my new confidence. And of course as usual we had awesome food while slipping in funny observations of our fellow patrons.

(The date to our side was kind of disastrous. He constantly fiddled with his phone when devoid of conversation. And when he did offer conversation, it was so obscure and childish. You had to feel for the guy)

Nitro's reappearance helped me remember how nice it is to have adult conversation that is not work or relationship related. It's so easy to get caught in the minutiae of every day life. The afflicted of the quarterlife crisis must also contend with worrying about every aspect of their future. And though we touched on those topics tonight, it didn't seem half as serious as it sounds after hours of resounding off the sound chamber that is my brain. I need to do it more often.

Plus dessert was delicious.

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