Wednesday, June 02, 2004


Judge rejects slave trauma as defense for killing

That headline is not a misprint. A doctor has hypothesized that certain people can suffer from PTSSD - Post Traumatic Slave Disorder (or Syndrome. Whatever). You have got to be bloody kidding me. Is she serious? How about taking responsiblity for something? It's been 140 years. Drink some prune juice and let it go.

Possibly I am not sympathetic since my background is West Indian. But people please. Just because your great great grandmama might have done it, you still know it's wrong. Worse they're trying to use it to acquit someone for killing a two year old. That's just sickening. It's like saying that the Irish can smack their wives around because they were discriminated against when they ran from their potato drought (not implying that Irish men smack their wives, just the first case of discrimination and act of violence I could think of).

And she has enough for a book? I live in the craziest country in the world. Which reminds me I need my father to get his birth certificate out and help me get my citizenship from Jamaica. Their type of crazy is much more predictable.

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