Thursday, June 03, 2004

The Feeling's Wrong....Just Plain Wrong

The End of Ladies Night?

More and more I am convinced that most of the people I encounter in life, whether I speak to them or not, are idiots. Just straight up idiots. If Ladies' Night is discriminatory, then men should stop paying for drinks too.

I mean I figured Jersey of all states would understand the concept of Ladies' Night. In order to look their prettiest and sexiest, women cannnot carry significantly sized handbags. In the scramble to take the essentials, money is definitely left out. Why would they come to a club they can't pay the cover for?

This definitely hurts the men in the region as well, since Jersey men need all the help they can get. These men need help. Sports teams are trying to leave the state. Bridge and tunnel women already run to New York City and Philly as often as possible. No Ladies' Night is a serious threat to the survival of this endangered specie. Hold up. Maybe that's not such a bad thing.

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