Saturday, June 05, 2004

Careful What You Wish For

Before I even came to my lovely school, I had it worked out that I was going to be a resident assistant. Yes, being RA worked effectively into my plans of my forthcoming domination of the world. Those plans took a detour when my father insisted I live with him.

Since his tenure at the school ended sometime last year, I finally got my chance to live in the dorm. While most people lament their stay and spend their time working out ways to leave or envying those who have, I personally enjoy it. There's something great about being around people your age all the time. It adds a vibrancy that I can't exactly put my finger on. It's probably cause I was an only child and still thrive on being in groups of people I can actually enjoy.

Of course I still have a single room. I recognize that a roommate would be troublesome until I'm in a long-term relationship. Suitemates are barely tolerable. Every once in a while people are loud when you don't want them to be. And since it is an archaic Christian school, the dorm is still single-sex past the lobby, so that wonderful female vibrancy is lost.

Anyway, my RA dreams spiked as I moved back in because it sounded like one was needed and I thought I had some serious credentials. But one really wasn't needed. I however still thrust myself into responsibility's way whenever needed. I was so effective that some people just assumed I was an RA.

Finally, this weekend, with the dorm in transition between regimes, I now have a set of master keys. I am RA (for the weekend). It might turn into the summer. Honestly speaking I'm an excellent canddidate to be head RA all next year too since the past year's RA's graduated, moved out, or are getting married. But now I am hit with the responsibility that comes with power. There was noise in the hallway last night and I realized that if I wanted it to stop I needed to be the master of confrontation. Then there was room check. No fun knocking on people's doors at 11 pm. Then there's the current business of checking people into guest rooms. Funny how keys for three rooms are missing and one bathroom light socket does not work. Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaantastic.

I think I'd still like to do it on a regular basis. I honestly feel that I can be a helping hand. WIth a little more sleep

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