Thursday, August 09, 2007


This weekend, one of the narcs was missing for one of our kids. I sadly counted that they were correct, when in fact they weren't. It was a simple mistake but I felt horrible. I know I didn't take it but it is a serious thing to have an untrackable narcotic just floating around.

Anyway, the director of health care for our campus came and talked to me about it. But she immediately said "I know you didn't take it." She continued to tell me to be more careful and such but it lasted no more than a minute.

And that's when a random memory from a Sabbath School session on Lady Godiva's birthday voyage popped back in my head. The stubborn West Indian men were a tad annoying but I finally get the gist of what they were trying to say. It all basically came down to the fact that Jesus never really had to defend Himself in front of His accusers. He just let His actions speak for themselves. And I know she had that faith in me just in the way I have carried myself.

I hate when I realize I was wrong. But at least I'll be right next time

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