Sunday, February 19, 2006

Conosseiur Mountain University

So me and Bassline have seemed to discover that we are peas from the same pod. It all started at choir rehearsal on Friday and we were cracking jokes throughout. Then we went to go see our mutual friend Speks with another friend Sprak at Speks' new place. Then we sang in church and we copped some dinner. We watched a movie and then we helped another friend move in. Then we went shopping and ate with Speks. Needless to say I really saw the nigga for like 15 hours today.

Anyway he is an addition to my brother from another mother contingent. In the midst of our many conversations we came up with a new institution that will provide a top notch education: Conoisseur Mountain University. It is a place for people who have an open insight and truly enjoy and appreciate life.

More details to follow.

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