Saturday, June 23, 2007

Things Observed At The Brooklyn Hip-Hop Festival

  • This was as close as one could get to Hip-Hop Family Day. The event was basically free, but they encouraged donations. Regardless, it just meant it was a cheap entertaining option, and obviously for the whole family. Kids of all ages were running around. Toddlers were busy managing overloaded diapers and trying to figure out where that bass was coming from. I'm hoping that they didn't catch contact from all the marijuana that was in the air.
  • Nah there are some really old dudes here
  • Oh white fans. The reason why hip-hop still exists. The white boys often seemed like they were trying too hard. Its nice to match but the laces don't have to match your underwear. If only they could take lessons from their female counterparts. They seemed more comfortable. A couple were pretty darn cute too.
  • A old school cipher broke off to my right, but it wasn't anything to write home about. You have to appreciate the psirit though, and women comprised half of the particpants. Nice.
  • Now I understand we are in Brooklyn, the weather is nice, and this is an event that would attract young, single people, so the justification to look nice is there. But should you be really rocking stilettos in the park? And at a a hip hop concert. Did you not want to dance or just wanted your feet to be miserable? Must love the effort though
  • Brooklyn seems to be changing into a haven for interracial families. Or maybe interracial families love progressive hip-hop a lot more. Anyway there were a lot of interracial individuals, couples and kids. It's nice to see. Though I lean towards those with melanin, I like to think that if I wanted to go against the grain, I would be just as comfortable taking that step.
  • Coming back to the stiletto issue, I think wedges are the best way for girls to go in terms of these concerts. Still gives height and all that calf shape you like, but better support than a stiletto. It's hip-hop. You should be moving.
  • Marty Markowitz is the man. This silver haired Jew, Brooklyn's borough president, possible future mayoral candidate, comes on stage and drops a verse. I want to vote right now.
  • Hip-hop is loved by many.

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