Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Oh The Games We Play

Reminiscing on my short, yet complex, relationship history, I've realized that lots of the things that have gone wrong or not as I would have planned can be narrowed down to one simple truth: my inability to process the unspoken signals that the varied ladies I am interested in put out there. For one girl, the eyebrow raise is an invitation while for another it might be a quizzical "What the hell are you still around me for?"

My problem might not be so much that I don't understand them, but rather that I mistrust my own judgment on them. Yes, I was in your room till 2 in the morning and fell asleep in your bed, but do you really like me. Just an example of one of the thoughts that run in my head from time to time.

Wouldn't it just be simple if we jsut said everything we were feeling explicitly? It would save so much time and energy if everything was just out there. I wish I could start rolling around with poster board and a marker just so I could let people know where I stand with them and allow them to know where they stand with me. It could all be so simple.

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